Enoch & Lydia

The EL Story



The EL Story

Love often weaves its enchanting threads in the most unexpected corners of our lives. In 2019, destiny orchestrated a beautiful encounter between Lydia and me, a meeting that would ultimately lead us down a path of deep connection and unwavering love.

Our journey began in the charming ambiance of the Gold Coast Restaurant & Cocktail Bar, where our first date unfolded. I fondly recall the moment I mustered the courage to invite a shy Lydia to join me on the dance floor. Despite her initial reluctance, she agreed, and that dance marked the beginning of a captivating journey that continues to unfold, guided by the grace of God.

As we prepare to embark on the sacred journey of marriage, we reflect on the twists and turns of our love story, grateful for the divine orchestration that brought us together. Each step of this dance has been an exploration of love, trust, and shared dreams—a dance to the glory of God that we are excited to continue for a lifetime.